colombia a surprisingly high quality of life at a low cost of living

Colombia: A Surprisingly High Quality of Life at a Low Cost of Living

With the high cost of living in the US, many are looking for lower cost of living places to live outside the US and it´s not just retirees struggling to get by on just their Social Security. Higher income families who can work remotely are also learning they can live really BIG in Colombia.

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Colombia Living Realty (CLR) - Your Buyer´s Broker in Colombia

My wife, Janeth, and I started CLR in 2015 to focus on assisting people from the US to buy and relocate to Colombia, one of the most beautiful countries in the world with a very low cost of living and a surprisingly high quality of life. We have been buying and selling real estate for almost 20 years since I moved here from Florida in 2005. We´ve learned a lot and can guide you every step of the way. We are a Buyer´s Broker, meaning we work for you but the Seller´s pay our fee. We have a close relationship with the top brokers in Colombia who allow us to put their listings in our website. These are only a tiny fraction of the masive number of properties we can offer. How it works is you contact us and tell us what your dreams are and we help you make it happen. We have every type of property you can imagine...mansions, economical yet high quality houses, townhouses and apartments, large and small farms for production (cattle, coffee, fruits) and country homes near the major cities. We also offer oceanfront luxury apartments in Cartagena at a fraction of the cost in the US. We have closed on millions of dollars of deals. We have a proven and very trustworthy network of bilingual legal and tax professionals, relocation specialists, language teachers, etc. Contact us at or Whatsapp +57 304 201 3535 or +57 312 258 0283

millions who rely on social security should consider moving to colombia

Millions who rely on Social Security should consider moving to Colombia

According to data from the National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS), 40 % of all Social Security (SS) recipients rely on SS for 100 % of their monthly income. There are over 70 million on SS so 40 % means there are 28 million people in this group. The average monthly SS for a single person is a about $2,000; for a married couple, it´s over $2,500 per month. Based on the current exchange rate of 4,200, that means a single person would have about $7,560,000 Colombian pesos (COP) per month. A married couple would have over $10 million pesos. That is A LOT of money in Colombia. To put it in perspective, Colombia will award you a Retirement VISA if you can show you have about $750 per month in guaranteed income like from SS. That is much lower than most countries because Colombia is one of the lowest cost of living countries in the world. And the crazy thing is that the quality of life is fabulous. We have the best healthcare in Latin America. Super modern shopping malls. Excellent low cost transportation You can rent a really nice apartment for $500 a month or $1,000 if you want to get fancy. A meal in a really nice restaurant will cost $5 to $10 including tax and tip. Utilities and HOA are very low. It is amazing. You owe it to yourself to at least give us a call and check it out. William whatsapp. 57 304 201 3535

need to reduce your carbon footprint colombia offers more bang for the buck
always wanted to own your own farm or ranch colombia makes it a real possibility

Always wanted to own your own farm or ranch ? Colombia makes it a real possibility

The average cattle ranch in the US is 450 acres or 180 hectares (one hectare = 2.5 acres). Cattle ranches in Colombia can be bought for under $1,000 per acre but we suggest using $2,500 to $5,000 per acre which will get you a higher quality property. At the higher end ($5,000 per acre), you will be able to buy in a prime area with development potential and close to major cities.

attention berkshire hathaway and other major us corporations solve your carbon footprint problem

Attention Berkshire Hathaway and other major US corporations ! Solve your carbon footprint problem.

195 countries have signed onto the Paris Agreement to reduce CO2 emissions dramatically. Yet, by all reports, we are not making much progress and will fall miserably short of the 2030 goals. Colombia offers companies like Berkshire Hathaway the lowest cost, highest production solution. Our program Greener Pastures 2030 and Beyond provides companies the pathway to meeting NET ZERO commitments while still meeting your stockholder responsibilities for profitability.

how we can beat google facebook and instagram at their own game

How we can beat Google, Facebook and Instagram at their own game

We are all frustrated at the COST and TIME required to have a successful campaign on the social media giants like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many others. The reality is the statistics are pitiful how little response you get ... the clicks are 1 to 4 % if you are lucky and even fewer actually BUY. What if there was a better way to work together to get a bigger bang for the buck ?

colombia ranked no 1 choice for retirees and digital nomads

Colombia Ranked No 1 Choice for Retirees and Digital Nomads

With the high cost of living in the US and in most of the world, Colombia offers a breath of fresh air as the 4th lowest cost of living country in the world according to, the largest cost of living data base. What really sets Colombia apart though is the amazing high quality of life you get along with this incredibly low cost of living. Colombia offers all the comforts of home without the high cost. Colombia makes it super easy too with THE best lowest cost VISA programs for Retirees, Investors and Digital Nomads.

colombia farmlands offer huge upside for investors

Colombia Farmlands Offer Huge Upside for Investors

With 40 million hectares (100 million acres) of agricultural land, Colombia has the potential to be one of the major breadbaskets to the world. Unfortunately, most of the farms are in need of rehabilitation due to generations of degrading and poor farm management practices. This means that farms are cheap and with Colombia being one of the lowest costs of living in the world (No 4) and perfect year round climate and rich soils for 100 % grass fed beef, the upside for investors is huge. And now with the world in a panic to reduce global warming, Colombian farms are ideal for re-establishing Colombia as a major carbon sink.


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