Attention Berkshire Hathaway and other major US corporations ! Solve your carbon footprint problem.
May 10 the 2023Countries and companies all over the world are struggling to meet their Paris Agreement and/or Net Zero commitments.
Ok..if you are Berkshire Hathaway with $130 BILLION dollars in the bank, what do you do ?
Well, according to Procolombia there are 14 million hectares (35 million acres) of prime forest land which could be acquired and rehabilitated for timber and capturing carbon. Let´s say the price was $1,000 per ha which is like $4,600,000 COP. So for $14 billion (about 10 % of your cash), Berkshire Hathaway can own 35 MILLION ACRES which would overnight be the largest corporate carbon sinks in the world !
According to McKinsey, ¨Scaled-up voluntary carbon markets would facilitate the mobilization of capital to the Global South (e.g. Colombia) where there is the most potential for economical nature-based emissions-reduction projects.¨
According to the Boston Consulting Group, the market for carbon credits could be worth upward of $50 billion in 2030.
Food production accounts for up to 30 % of all CO2´s so it is being attacked by environmental groups but we need to have a balance because we still need to feed 9 billion people.
We need to feed more people with fewer resources and we need to reduce global warming so why not do it in the countries with the most favorable conditions like Colombia ?
1. The Low Cost Provider: Colombia is the 4th lowest cost of living country in the world according to which means labor and other operating expenses are very low. Land costs are very low too as are the cost of planting trees (under $2.00 per tree)....a fraction of the cost in the US. There are 27 Regional Autonomous Corporations (CAR´s) which oversee environmental and development throughout the Colombia which would provide technical advice, identify the best and most critical areas to rehabilitate and even provide thousands of trees and labor for free.
2. The Best Growing Conditions: Colombia has excellent soils and perfect year round climate so its cattle and buffalos are 100 % grass fed and trees grow quickly as does grass using advanced rotational grazing techniques which allow for pastures to rest and grow for 39 days between rotations.
3. Buying land is relatively easy and there are excellent international law and accounting firms to guide buyers every step of the way.
4. Long List of Benefits to attract for profit and not for profit investors. Silvopastoral systems, rotational grazing and superior farm and forest management are proven to practices which can dramatically increase the profitability of the farms and forests: increases the number of cows per hectare with quicker weight gain, captures and seqesteres carbon quickly, economically and at high rates to produce carbon credits which can be sold and has many co-benefits which attract eco and social focused investors like enhances biodiversity, protects critical fresh water supplies, reduces erosion, improves animal health (reduces methane and eliminates the need for fertilizers) and creates jobs and opportunities in low income rural communities.
For more information, contact me at
William Schwind
(57) 304 201 3535